Find Out What's Inside

Franklin Accelerated Academy East Campus

Well Known

Ranked among the top schools in Arizona and nationwide, featuring Arizona A rated, Blue Ribbon Schools and A+ schools.
students sitting in classroom writing with pencils with notebook in front of them


Rigorous and accelerated curriculum with high expectations of students and teachers.
teacher standing in front of class showing flashcards

Parent Choice

School of Choice established, developed, and maintained with significant parent support.
students sitting a classroom raising their hands


Back-to-basics traditional school culture focused on respect and intrinsic motivation.
two students looking at books in a library


Spalding method teaches integrated language-arts and a love of literature.


Principal baxter

Principal Baxter - I am honored to be the principal of Franklin East Elementary with our proud tradition of educating students in a positive learning environment with high expectations and an accelerated curriculum.

Natalia abbot headshot photo

Mrs. Abbott - Since 1988 I have taught preschool, kindergarten, and first grade in various educational settings.

Mrs. Phillips

Mrs. Phillips, FPO President: I have four amazing children. They have all gone to (or are still at) Franklin Accelerated Academy - East Campus. I am grateful to work with all the wonderful parents and staff at this school to provide more opportunities for our children.